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PRESETT Training and Development Programme – Training of Trainers in higher education institutions,which offer initial teacher training degree programmes

Start date: 14.09.2021

Description course

The programme will help the teaching staff of higher education institutions evaluate the existing and develop new PRESETT curricula for the specialty 013 Primary Education for obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree in primary education in accordance with the pedagogical concept of NUS.

The modular training webinars are designed to enrich the Ukrainian development work by sharing the corresponding Finnish approach and good practices in teacher education.

Format: 12 webinars, including practical assignments. The total duration is 48 hours. The in-service teacher training programme can be found at this link.

Description course

D-r Jari Lavonen

Professor of Physics and Chemistry Education, Director of National Teacher Education Forum, former long-term Director of Teacher Education Unit, University of Helsinki Faculty of Educational Sciences.

D-r Kaisa Hahl

Head of Subject Teacher Education, University Lecturer of Foreign Language Education, University of Helsinki Faculty of Educational Sciences.

D-r Heidi J. Krzywacki

University Lecturer of Mathematics Education, University of Helsinki Faculty of Educational Sciences.

D-r Anni Loukomies

University Lecturer and Teacher, Viikki Teacher Training School of the University of Helsinki Faculty of Educational Sciences.

D-r Reetta Niemi

University Lecturer and Teacher, Viikki Teacher Training School of the University of Helsinki.

Ms Anja Huurinainen-Kosunen

Master of Arts, Teacher, Viikki Teacher Training School of the University of Helsinki.

D-r Riia Palmqvist

Counselor of Education in the Finnish National Agency for Education.


01. Start of the programme, introduction to Finnish education
  • Introduction to Finnish education
  • Educating professional teachers through a Master’s programme


Mod 1_Web 1_14 Sept_E

02. Cycle, approach and good practices of planning and implementation of PRESETT study programmes
  • Values and ethical foundations of teaching and teacher education
  • Examples of curriculum development and course implementation at the University of Helsinki
  • Overview of the cycle of planning and implementing of PRESETT programmes in Ukraine, the current status and planning of next steps


Mod 1_Web 2_16 Sept_E

03. Cycle, approach and good practices of planning and implementation of PRESETT study programmes
  • Collaboration between different stakeholders on curriculum development
  • Personal practical theory as a teacher educator
  • Digitization and cross-curricular themes, essential skills and knowledge
  • Overview of the foundations of teaching and teacher education in Ukraine based on the school reform, including the Teacher Professional Standard


Mod 1_Web 3_21 Sept_E

04. Assessment of PRESETT study programmes
  • Assessment of teacher education programmes
  • Assessment procedures and feedback practices
  • “Washback” effect: curriculum development based on feedback


Mod 1_Web 4_23 Sept_E

05. Pedagogical studies, teacher education
  • Structure of pedagogical studies in teacher education
  • The concept of learning in the Finnish curriculum and teacher education:

– pre-existing knowledge,

– choosing learning materials and learning environments

  • The structure and aims of the teaching practice in the university teacher training school


Mod 2_Web 1_26 Oct_E

06. Pedagogy/didactics, lessons, student motivation
  • Concepts of “pedagogy” and “didactics” and the difference between them
  • Planning lessons and teaching sequences, choosing activating instructional methods
  • Support for interest and motivation
  • Lesson plan


Mod 2_Web 2_28 Oct_E

07. Teacher-researcher, research projects
  • Teacher-researcher (teacher educator-researcher)
  • Pedagogical action research
  • Example of a research project

– Theoretical background

– Instructional methods supporting participation in teaching practice

  • Supporting student teachers’ professional development in the zone of proximal development


Mod 2_Web 3_2 Nov_E

08. Practical theory and teachers’ observations
  • Practical theory in teacher education and in teaching practice
  • Guided observations in teaching practice


Mod 2_Web 4_4 Nov_E

09. International and Finnish experience
  • An overview of teacher education – an international insight
  • Structure of initial teacher education in Finland
  • Viikki Teacher Training School: teacher training
  • The way to teaching: teacher’s practical theory


Mod 3_Web 1_Presentation 1_2 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 1_Presentation 2_2 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 1_Presentation 3_2 Dec_E

10. Teacher education: assessment
  • Assessment in teacher education, various assessment methods
  • How to ensure the quality of assessment in teacher education, formative and summative assessment
  • Bachelor’s and master’s theses assessment criteria


Mod 3_Web 2_Presentation 1_7 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 2_Presentation 2_7 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 2_Presentation 3_7 Dec_E

11. Teacher practicum and mentoring
  • Goal-oriented teacher practicum and interaction in teacher practicum
  • How to develop interaction in Ukrainian teacher education?
  • Mentoring in teacher practicum
  • Good practices/mentoring in Ukrainian teacher education/practicum


Mod 3_Web 3_Presentation 1_14 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 3_Presentation 2_14 Dec_E

12. Methods of teaching and assessing pupils
  • Versatile assessment methods
  • Multidisciplinary learning modules, “Forest” module
  • Pupils’ learning assessment, good practices in assessment


Mod 3_Web 4_Presentation 1_16 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 4_Presentation 2_16 Dec_E

Mod 3_Web 4_Presentation 3_16 Dec_E