Training of Trainers on Psychosocial Support 

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Although this training was not in the 2022 plans of the Learning Together project, it became obvious in March that this topic is much-in-demand. That’s why the project decided to focus its efforts on finding resources that could provide psychosocial and emotional support to teachers who in their turn would support children and parents.

It was important to have a clear understanding what topics our trainers – educators from In-service Teacher Training Institutions, who are project’s regular trainees, are most concerned about. The assessment of trainees’ needs showed the appropriateness of many topics, which were grouped into four modules:
1) Stress, Trauma, resilience. First psychological aid;
2) Psychosocial support for children;
3) Working with parents;
4) Key elements of working with adults.

As a result, 62 trainees attended 15 webinars, which were carried out by a team of Ukrainian specialists with extensive experience not only in training, but also in direct psychotherapeutic activities with educators in Eastern Ukraine.

The objective of the training was not to train professional psychotherapists, but to provide basic knowledge and skills required in these difficult times. Still, as noted by the trainees, some classes really reminded them of psychotherapy sessions, where they shared their worries, jointly looked for answers to questions and acquired practical skills to develop psychological resilience.

It was obvious that many trainees had concerns about conducting such classes with teachers. That is why during in-service teacher training courses in June – September the trainees will be able to have consultations with the trainers, and thus improve their professional and psychological capacities.

It is important that the Learning Together project is not going to stop on that: the development of an online course on psychosocial support is already underway. We believe that this resource will help teachers not only in wartime, but also in the times of peace.

Feedback from Trainees

  • «Many thanks to organizers and trainers for interesting topics, for the opportunity to get answers and advice addressing the issues, which are important and relevant, especially these days»
  • «Many thanks to all! Thank you for “not leaving” the New Ukrainian School, for believing and supporting its progress!!!»
  • «Sincere thanks for the opportunity to find myself in myself»